
  • What to Keep in Mind When Choosing a CNC Machining Company

    To achieve up-to-standard pieces in your production, you have to choose the right CNC manufacturing company. There are different types of CNC machining companies that offer varying services, making it important to settle for one that will meet your manufacturing needs. The market is filled with numerous CNC machining companies, so getting the right one might be a daunting task. However, considering certain factors could help you settle for the best company. [Read More]

  • Top Reasons to Replace an Oil-Filler Transformer with a Cast Resin Transformer

    Transformers play an integral role in ensuring manufacturing operations are not interrupted by planned or unplanned power blackouts. Modern transformers are designed to turn on when there is a power outage automatically, and off once the power is restored. You must, however, be careful when buying a transformer, because whichever model you choose will have varying benefits. You should think about getting a cast resin transformer rather than a traditional oil-filled transformer. This article looks at the different ways a manufacturing facility can benefit from a cast resin transformer. [Read More]

  • How to Repair Water Damaged Plasterboard Ceiling Without Breaking the Bank

    Have you noticed wet patches or water stains on parts of your plasterboard ceiling? Is the paint on the plasterboard peeling in some areas? These are all signs of water damage. Unfortunately, a water damaged ceiling requires immediate repairs to prevent the problem from spreading. But how do you make this happen without breaking the bank? Here is a detailed guide to help you restore your water damaged plasterboard ceiling while keeping short- and long-term costs low. [Read More]

  • A guide to asbestos management

    Asbestos management is an essential procedure for all properties suspected to contain asbestos-containing materials. It requires commitment at all levels from management, property owners and employees. An effective asbestos management plan includes the following: Asbestos inventory An asbestos inventory is necessary to identify all the materials or structures that contain asbestos. For many buildings, it is not possible to rule out the presence of asbestos on sight alone, as it may be held inside the material. [Read More]

  • Constructing a Concrete Boat Ramp: 3 Things to Think About

    There is nothing better than spending a day out sailing on a lake.  If you own a lake and you wish to use a fishing boat or other vessel on the water, you may be considering installing a concrete boat ramp. A boat ramp will allow you to easily launch and recover your boat from the water. Read on to find out everything you need to know about constructing a boat ramp. [Read More]

  • How to Deal with a Broken Window Sash

    With the arrival of spring, plants begin to bud, birds begin to sing and there's that fresh feeling in the air. You can't wait to ventilate the house following the long winter and it's finally time to open up all those doors and windows. However, there is one big problem as it appears that the sash cord that surrounds the main window in your living room has broken. What do you need to do in order to fix this as quickly as possible? [Read More]

  • How to respond to water damage in your home

    If you have ever come home in the evening to find that a burst pipe has caused your home to flood while you have been out working, then you will understand how important water damage remediation can be. Water damage has the potential to damage your property and possessions and to seriously disrupt your home life for months. Whether the damage comes from a burst water pipe, a river that has overflowed its banks or water that has entered your home from an outside source, your first thought will probably be to deal with the source of the water and stop the flow if at all possible. [Read More]